I am passionate about people.
People are the heartbeat of God.
I am dedicated to supporting young people and women, sending help to the poor and vulnerable persons within communities.
I love to inspire others to their very best and if I really could, make the world a better place for us all.
Set The Captives Free >Jesus At Your Door Project >I love to create!
I love seeing things come to life.
An introverted person, I am typically lost in my imagination and dreams. I allow my thoughts take expressions and this has led to some of my works.
Life is all about creation, I make mine a creative process
An introverted person, I am typically lost in my imagination and dreams. I allow my thoughts take expressions and this has led to some of my works.
Life is all about creation, I make mine a creative process
52 refreshing truths to deepen your relationship with God & Digging Your Wells
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